Wednesday, November 11, 2009

'Clash of the Titans' Remake & Trailer

Anyone remember the old 'Clash of the Titans'? with all its claymation wonders? It's about time they did a remake of this movie and give it, well.. a little more umph!

It's amazing what effect can do, and how much intensity they bring. Simply put, this movie looks BAD ASS.

They story follows Perseus (for anyone readying Percy Jackson and the Olympian series, this is the guy Percy was named after) on his quest to rescue the princess Andromeda. On his journey is captures Pegasus, slays Medusa, and completes multiple tasks for the gods. oh the glory.

With these two movies coming out, it looks like Greek could become the new Vampire.. please? I'm a Twilight fan myself but c'mon.

If anyone has seen the old film from the 80s it seemed like everyone had that gorgeous curly hair that everyone associated with the Greeks. not this Perseus. They gave him a short buzzed hair cut which most definitely makes him look like a more imposing figure and not so much as a pretty boy.

Sam Worthington (recognize him from Terminator Salvation?) plays Perseus and Liam Neeson plays Zeus.

I'm really looking forward to the heavy use of Greek mythology in this film. A lot of films that that they have made in recent times (Gladiator, Troy, 300) have the slightest hint, but not what I would want to see.

Now all that is missing is another remake of 'Jason and the Argonaughts' and I will be a very happy camper. TV version was good... but I want a theatrical remake.

'Clash of the Titans' hits theaters on March 26, 2010.

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